A special message from Mike Volin. As you all know my team has been fighting our corrupt government for almost 9 years. We have made numerous trips to Congress and gave them classified briefings on behalf of investigator Mike Zullo. Most of all our work has been documented through our Web site, blog and radio show.

I am pleased to endorse another Web site hosted by my friend, patriot, well know you tube blogger Mr. Gabor Zolna. Gabe has been in the forefront of exposing our corrupt politicians including Senator John McCain. Gabe has been a frequent guest on my radio show (wobc) and truly fights everyday for our country. Watch his you tube channel and visit his new Web site.

Obama Library Will Go Digital

The Obama library will digitize what will be on display. It is no surprise it has to go digital with the well known  controversies surrounding Obama Identity which include the digital copy of his alleged birth certificate only available for inspection on a Web site, his selective service draft registration card, his social security number issued from the State of Conecticut, (he never resided there) his book bio indicating he was born in Kenya. Also included in this cover up, his numerous aliases (Barry Sotero, Barry Obama, Sobarka).  The fact that he attended school in Indonesia and as a requirement became an Indonesian Citizen.

Are there any real documents? Why must Obama digitized his entire life? Who is Barack Obama? What is he hiding?

Posted by Mike Admin

570 284 7477


Will You Allow the Crucifixion of President Donald Trump?

Courtesy of Wayne Root. Root for America. 

Famed actor and director Mel Gibson has content://media/external/file/43367written this script before. This is how the entire government and corrupt “powers that be” conspired against Sir William Wallace (of “Braveheart” fame).

And against Jesus himself in “The Passion of Christ.”

It didn’t end well either time for men who actually tried to speak for the people, to wake up the sleeping, scared, powerless masses of working class people, who were being fleeced by the kings and their corrupt court.

Jesus and Sir Wallace spoke for the people. And the state fought back- hard.

It’s happening again.

Donald Trump is certainly no Jesus Christ. He is certainly not perfect. Trump is flawed like any other human being. But he is nonetheless facing one of the most intense, over-the-top, attacks ever seen.

It’s clear Trump is making the most powerful people in the world very nervous and they’ve decided something must be done about it. Here’s a partial list of the suspects…

*The top officials at the “Deep State”- the FBI, CIA, NSA.

*The crooks and extortion artists running government agencies like the EPA, IRS and FDA.

*The criminals willing to let vets die at the VA.

*The establishment GOP politicians (aka RINOS) like John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan. There are hundreds of them- bought and paid for by the lawyers, lobbyists, consultants and billion dollar corporations.

*The big shots who run America’s media- many of whom are related to the big shots running our government.

*The CEOs who run multi-billion dollar multi-national corporations, who survive on billion-dollar government contracts.

*The DC establishment- lawyers, lobbyists, consultants and publicists, who all survive on government contracts.

*Don’t forget the millions of government employees and govt. employee union goons who make a living on grossly overpaid salaries and obscene pensions – not to mention any bribes they get on the side from steering govt. contracts to the right players.

*And of course, Democrat politicians like President Barack Obama; almost-President-Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett; Eric Holder; Jon Corzine…to name just a few on the left.

Trump threatens a whole lot of powerful people. They all have so much to lose. That’s why they are all nervous, frightened, paranoid, hysterical. Trump is threatening their corrupt game. He’s upsetting their apple cart. He’s derailing their gravy train. The jig is up.

So, they have to stop him- at all costs. Not just stop him, destroy him. Lynch him. Crucify him. They need to send a clear message, so no one ever tries to educate, enlighten, or empower the people ever again.

That’s why the gates of hell have been opened on President Trump. That’s why Trump is facing a tsunami, earthquake, tornado, hailstorm – ALL IN ONE.

And I know why.

I wrote a book entitled “The Murder of the Middle Class” about the unholy conspiracy between big government, big business and big media. They all benefit by the billions from this partnership and it’s in all of their interests to protect one another. It’s one for all, and all for one.

It’s a heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich. Everyone except the American people. We get ripped off. We’re the patsies. We’re the targets. The taxpayers are fleeced, defrauded and scammed every day.

These people are all on the take in one way or another. They all depend on big government to fund their lavish salaries, pensions, and privileged lives. They need to kill Trump- whether it be character assassination, or the real thing.

No matter. He must be neutralized and silenced, before this goes too far. Before the people start to really believe they are the masters, not the servants…before the people start to actually believe they are the foundation of America, not the privileged class that runs government.

Remember Trump’s great words only days ago at Liberty University. He said,

“In America we don’t worship government, we worship God.”

Those words will go down in history. This is Trump’s legacy. But those words cemented in the minds of the “DC powers-that-be” that Trump is too dangerous. The gates of hell opened up immediately after that speech went viral.

Those powerful words frighten all these corrupt and powerful people who aren’t paid by God, they are paid by government.

I sincerely believe President Trump life is in danger. I know his tenure as President is in danger- after only four months. That’s how bad they want to destroy Trump’s brand, reputation, credibility and agenda. They must destroy Trump- every inch of the legend. Before the legend grows unstoppable. Before the message takes root. Before the people start to really have faith in God over government.

But this is actually great news.

Because it means for once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are frightened. Trump is the first person to stand up to them in a long time. That’s why they are so outraged, so vicious, so motivated, so coordinated. NEVER in all my years in politics, have I seen anything like the way the gates of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump.

This isn’t just an old-fashioned “attack.” It isn’t random. This is a coordinated conspiracy to destroy Trump. This is a high-tech lynching. This is a CRUCIFIXION.

That’s why we must all support President Trump. This is our last shot at saving America, cutting government down to size, uncovering the crimes committed against our nation, prosecuting all of those involved, and giving hope and power back to the American people.

If we don’t back Trump now, it’s all lost forever. It’s time to fight like a cornered wolverine. It’s time to fight like it’s the end of freedom, the end of capitalism, the end of America. Because it is.

We can’t go back in time and save Sir William Wallace. We can’t go back and save Jesus Christ from being nailed to that cross.

But we can change the future course of history today. There is still time to stand with President Donald Trump against the forces of evil.

Either take a stand now, either draw a line in the sand, or forever remember the day you gave away your children’s and grandchildren’s freedoms and future.

We must all stand together to stop the Crucifixion of President Donald J. Trump.


Sheriff Clarke has vowed to arrest Hillary Clinton on the spot if Trump makes him the next FBI Director.

President Trump’s favorite sheriff tweeted the promise late on Tuesday, after James Comey was fired as FBI Director, sparking frenzied speculation regarding who will be tapped to fill the role.

That’s one hell of a way to throw your hat into the ring.

Sheriff Clarke joins Congressman Trey Gowdy as a popular favorite to replace the disgraced James Comey, as Twitter lit up on Tuesday with endorsements from the public for both candidates.

Should Trump choose either candidate, Hillary Clinton will be guaranteed restless nights as the long-awaited prosecution into her crimes gets taken seriously by an FBI Director concerned with law, order and justice – rather than crony corruption.

As Alexander Hamilton said, “A contempt of the laws is the high road to anarchy,” and neither Clarke nor Gowdy are fans of anarchy.

The fact is, Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and the Clinton Foundation scandal are back in the news, as they are likely to be for years to come. At his confirmation hearing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said he would recuse himself from all investigations involving the Clintons.

And though President Donald Trump said that his preference was for no further investigation of Hillary Clinton or the Clinton Foundation, this does not mean that a prosecution is not in the works.

Washington Times reports: A decision (which does not seem to have been made yet) not to continue any investigation raises at least three concerns:

1). Deciding whether to prosecute someone isn’t normally the president’s decision to make. It’s the job of “the system.”

“The system” may sound amorphous, but in fact “the system” is what we call “the rule of law.” That rule is not just an arcane concept that interests lawyers and public policy mavens. The rule of law is probably the single most important governing concept we have — far more important than democracy. The rule of law elevates the weakest citizen to the level of the most powerful.

2) Dropping the case raises the question of fairness.

Fairness may be an elusive concept; even so, we tend to know it’s missing when we don’t see it. It is true that it’s not always possible to be fair. Sometime it’s necessary to be just. But in this case, there are people who have done far less than what Mrs. Clinton has already been shown to have done and who have been punished for it. Why should they have to pay a price if she does not? The response that life is not fair does not entirely satisfy.

3) Danger lurks in curtailing the investigation.

Who knows what evils the Clinton Foundation engaged in? The answer is: Many people know — the many people who have been investigating it. They know things. And it is almost inconceivable that there will be no leaks. Those leaks would embarrass Donald Trump for letting Mrs. Clinton escape, even as they would embarrass Mrs. Clinton — always assuming it’s possible to embarrass a Clinton.

The fact is, the leading candidates for FBI Director are all hell bent on prosecuting Hillary Clinton and bringing her and her cronies to justice.

It’s beer and popcorn time.

Credit to

Posted by Mike Admin

Mike Volin

570 284 7477

WOBC Contributor And Well Known You Tube Blogger Gabor Zolna Returns




WOBC reporter and Investgative You Tube blogger Gabor Zolna will be the guest. As our Government appears to be in total disarray, Gabor will file his report. Mr. Zolna is relentless and should be considered the Drudge Report of You Tube. He follows everyday the events of our Government and what appears to be an attempt to deceive the American people. Gabor will report on President Trump, Paul Ryan and Senator John McCain.

I became politically involved in 07, when the,”Chosen One,”surfaced and eventually
Barack Hussein Obama stole the Oval office.  Western Journalism posted eighteen to
twenty articles that I wrote, and submitted to them, they also posted hundred’s of
my YouTube video’s.  On YouTube under Gabe Zolna, I have 464 video’s posted that
have been viewed 0ver 178,000 times, under Gabor Zolna, on YouTube, I have posted
over 8,200 video’s, I have 3,511 subscriber’s, and have been viewed 1,865,972 times.
Google has been viewed close to 2,000,000 times as has my Facebook account.

Mike Volin will give a special update on his recent progress (oh yes there has been a lot)

Tune in, call in, join the chat room.

Date: Wednesday March 29, 2017

Time: 8:00pm – 10:00pm eastern

Call in number: 347-989-8853 (press 1 to get on the air)

Listen Live here

Posted by Mike Volin


Amazingly, a Fox News Reporter covers Obama’s “copy and paste” birth certificate correctly as posted by Carl Gallups, PNN News and Ministry Network (  Carl Gallups commented on this original video You Tube post to a commenter and this is what he posted:  “we do know for a fact that important people in the WH and DC have all the info (this and MORE!) and they are talking with Zullo, etc. about doing something.”!

The reporter is from Phoenix, AZ, Fox News 10, an affiliate of Fox News, but her name is unknown at this time. Incredibly, Fox News 10 also posted Sheriff Arpaio’s entire news conference on their You Tube Channel!

We will post any new information right here. Please keep checking back and also make sure to sign up on our mailing list for alerts. There is a button you can click right on our web site.




Petition For Former LT. Col. Terry Lakin

Special Message from WOBC radio President Michael Volin:

Please Join me in signing this Petition for Terry Lakin. Simply stated Terry Lakin stood up and simply asked to see the qualifications of Barack Hussein Obama to hold the office of President. As thousands and thousands of people went blogging, posting, and took to facebook, Terry took to the Courts and put his Military career on the line. In the end Terry lost his battle to expose the truth about our fake impersonator for a President and was striped of his military rank and sentenced to jail time. What a price to pay for seeking the truth.

I am asking everyone here to take 3 minutes and simply sign this petition.

Terry went to jail and we stayed home! Sign the petition.


Click This Link To Sign The Petition:

Special Announcement: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference Concludes It’s Investigation. Barack Obama Is Using Counterfeit Documents.





Special Message from the desk of  WOBC Radio President, Michael Volin.

Friends and listeners, I am happy to announce this Thursday December 15, at 4:00 pm mst, 6:00 pm eastern Sheriff Joe Arpaio will hold the final press conference regarding his continuing investigation into Barack Obama’s Counterfeit documents. If you thought the investigation was over, it never was. I have been in contact with the lead investigator and I can assure you the evidence is overwhelming.

The conference will be lived streamed. Here is the link:

Michael Volin

President WOBC Radio


Posted By: Michael Volin