Petition For Former LT. Col. Terry Lakin

Special Message from WOBC radio President Michael Volin:

Please Join me in signing this Petition for Terry Lakin. Simply stated Terry Lakin stood up and simply asked to see the qualifications of Barack Hussein Obama to hold the office of President. As thousands and thousands of people went blogging, posting, and took to facebook, Terry took to the Courts and put his Military career on the line. In the end Terry lost his battle to expose the truth about our fake impersonator for a President and was striped of his military rank and sentenced to jail time. What a price to pay for seeking the truth.

I am asking everyone here to take 3 minutes and simply sign this petition.

Terry went to jail and we stayed home! Sign the petition.


Click This Link To Sign The Petition:

2 thoughts on “Petition For Former LT. Col. Terry Lakin

  1. Lol! Good luck with that! Trump hates traitors to the uniform, almost as much as he hates brown people!
    P.S. Obama won.

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