Obama’s Background Again Questioned



by Sharon Rondeau


(Nov. 22, 2022) — On Sunday and Monday, for those following him on Twitter, Barack Obama’s purported older half-brother Malik caused quite a stir.

On Sunday at one point, he tweeted a graphic of the cover of a book he published in 2020 titled, “Big Bad Brother from Kenya.”

On the same day, however, he suggested he and Barack are not brothers.

The tweet gained the attention of WheresObamasBirthCertificate.com founder Mike Volin, who pointed it out to CDR Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. In a responsive blog post, Kerchner featured not only the tweet, but also his related research into the requirements of Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution, the “natural born Citizen” clause.

According to Wikipedia, Malik, also known as “Roy,” “is a Kenyan-American businessman and politician known for being the older half-brother of 44th president of the United StatesBarack Obama, and the eldest son of economist Barack Obama Sr.” Malik’s mother, Kezia, married the elder Obama in Kenya in 1954.

The same source reports that Malik became a U.S. citizen but retains Kenyan citizenship, traveling frequently between the two nations and operating the non-profit he founded in memory of his father, the Barack H. Obama Foundation.

Included in Kerchner’s post was the fact that Obama’s purported identification documents released by the U.S. government have been deemed forgeries by a five-year criminal investigation authorized by then-Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joseph Arpaio.

In 2013-14, Volin and a number of supporters delivered “Sheriff’s Kits” Volin produced to every member of Congress explaining the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) Cold Case Posse’s findings of fraud and forgery in Obama’s proffered documentation. In a July 17, 2012 press conference on the subject, Arpaio opined the alleged forgeries constitute a matter of “national security.”

Some believe, based on mainstream-media reporting prior to his presidential run, that Barack Obama was born in Kenya or Indonesia and not the United States, a claim reported in December 2007 by then-MSNBC “Hardball” host Chris Matthews.

While Arpaio’s probe did not focus on Obama’s birthplace per se, Arpaio’s lead investigator, former detective Mike Zullo, strongly suggested, quoting two federal-government “agents,” that it is well-known in the nation’s capital that Obama was not born in the United States.

Kerchner and others, including the late constitutional attorney Mario Apuzzo, concluded Obama was ineligible to the presidency based simply on his claim of a foreign-born father who never became a U.S. citizen. A separate disqualifying factor, they say, is the possibility that, if accurate, Obama was born outside the United States.

In May 2015, Volin hosted Joel Gilbert, author of the film, “Dreams from My Real Father,” on his “WOBC” radio show. The film hypothesized that communist activist Frank Marshall Davis was Barack Obama’s biological father. Gilbert had interviewed Malik Obama for the film, and after hosting Gilbert, Volin had a Skype conversation with Malik about appearing on the show, he reminded The Post & Email on Tuesday. Malik appeared willing but said he required $10,000 in compensation to do so, Volin and an assistant demonstrated through emails exchanged at the time.

When Volin’s publicist explained to Malik there was no budget to pay guests to appear on the show, he responded, “sorry best of luck.”

Volin’s BlogTalk Radio shows appear to have been archived offline.

Tweeting in yet stronger terms on Sunday, Malik called his alleged half-brother “a traitor.”

According to a tweet on Monday, Malik sees 45th President Donald J. Trump as “fearless.”

In another tweet about Trump, Malik thanked newly-minted Twitter CEO Elon Musk for restoring Trump’s account, shuttered since January 8, 2021 by Twitter management, who viewed Trump as an instigator of the January 6 “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol.

Malik was critical of his alleged half-brother for what Malik sees as a lack of initiative to bestow benefits on Kenya.

Further, he wrote, “Kenyans worship and ogle over Barack Obama (even though he’s done zilch for them) and they get really ticked off when I say something real about him.”

Again raising doubt about Barack’s paternity, Malik claimed Barack “won’t even support his father’s (?) foundation.”

Malik appears to have been silent on Twitter on Tuesday.

Kamala Harris Is Not Eligible To Hold The Office Of Vice President Or President.

We will investigate the Eligibilty Of Kamala Harris to serve in the Office Of Vice President of the United States.

Publisher and columnist, Sharon Rondeau from The Post Email, and investigative researchers-CDR Charles Kerchner (ret), and Miki Booth, will be our guests. The ability to hold the office of the President and Vice President under The Natural Born Citizen clause of our Constitution are under attack. It is evident over the past decades that an attack on our Constitution has been underway and continues to this day. We will provide a multitude of evidence to clearly show what the requirements are. The Natural Born Citizen clause was entered into our Constitution to protect our Country from foreign influence and invaders. Does that exist today? You better believe it does. Please tune in and listen, Call in to the show to express your concerns and give your opinions. Open telephone lines.

Date: Wednesday August 18, 2020

Time: 8:00pm to 10:00pm eastern

Call in number: 516 387 1325 (press 1 to get on the air)


Posted By Mike Admin

570 284 7477

President Trumps Chief Of Staff Mick Mulvaney Has Been Given A Full Presentation Of A Sheriff Kit

Pictured above Mick Mulvaney President Trumps Chief of staff is given a full presentation of a Sheriff Kit. I personally met with one of Mulvaneys former staff members and presented them with a full presentation.

Click Here For Sheriff Joe’s Final Press Conference 

Posted by: mike, admin 570 284 7477


Of Silence, Birth Certificates and Spying

Reposted from The Post Email

with permission from Miki Booth



by Miki Booth, ©2019

(Jul. 3, 2019) — Now that John Brennan, James Clapper, Mueller and others have been exposed as leaders of the attempted coup against President Donald Trump, it’s time I come out of hiding to restate accusations I made against them and other architects of sedition and treason.

It starts way before the spying began. It starts with a phony narrative for, yes, their Manchurian Candidate, Barry Soetoro. With what we know now, who will call me “racist!” or “birther” to marginalize and even silence my voice that was once a national clarion cry of danger and warning of attacks on our country, our precious Constitution? My voice was heard throughout tea parties, speaking at rallies across our great country, running for US House of Representatives in 2010 and publishing a book to memorialize my experiences and provide proof of fraud. I’m well-versed now in Alinsky tactics in Rules for Radicals and see it to this day continually used against us in countless ways as it was used on me.

Who will question me now about my accusations that the FBI spied on me and tapped my land line? They spied on me because John Brennan wanted to know how much we knew. By “we” I mean myself and Victoria “Tori” Windsor. During my national presence at the peak of the Tea Party movement, Victoria and I became great friends and spoke almost daily about new leads we discovered as we peeled the layers o? of Zbignew Brzezinski, John Brennan and other CIA communist in?ltrators.

When I met Victoria she was deep in futile attempts to get Intellectual Property, software she developed, back from what she said was stolen by John Brennan and the US Patent O?ce. I wish now that I had paid more attention to the specifics of her patent applications, but I do remember it had to do with voter machines and anti-fraud software. It’s common knowledge now that Brennan’s business, The Analysis Corporation, was under contract to the State Department’s passport o?ce and in 2008 breached the records of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain. The purpose of the breach was to “scrub,” “sanitize” or whatever the CIA calls altering records to ?t Obama’s birth and identification narrative. Clinton and John McCain’s ?les were also breached to provide cover for what they had done.

A young black man, Lieutenant (his name not a rank) Quarles Harris, who was slated to testify in a case connected to irregularities in the passport o?ce, was killed while he sat in his car eating a “fast food” breakfast in the parking lot of a church. DC police never found a suspect and the murder case remains unsolved, much like the Seth Rich case. Unsolved and chalked up as a robbery although nothing had been taken. Seth Rich is the Democrat National Committee sta?er and Bernie Sanders supporter who some believe provided emails to Wikileaks to expose the corruption in the DNC. Because Harris was young and black the DC police, with the help of the media, pushed the “drug deal gone bad” narrative. As far as I know, my friend Victoria is the only person to reach out to Lieutenant’s mother to o?er condolences and after a conversation, Victoria called me. “They’re lying” she said.

How ironic that they accuse Trump of Russia involvement when it was they who conspired with Russia to produce a polished liar and charlatan to unleash on an unsuspecting and naïve nation. Irony has nothing to do with it. Brennan’s carefully-laid plan was to use CIA-linked Columbia University to provide cover for Obama and pad a nice résumé for him. In the meantime no one ever saw Obama at Columbia because Barry Soetoro was attending the Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, named for Patrice Lumumba, the anti-colonialist who fought for Congo’s independence from Belgium and was assassinated for his troubles. He remains a martyr for his radical e?orts and revered in Russia as a communist sympathizer. The name of the university has since changed to “People’s Friendship University of Moscow” to shed the radical connotation of Lumumba.

While Victoria and I were researching the Columbia discrepancies we got a lead that Barry had been in Moscow during the years 1981-83 at Lamumba. I was skeptical. Something this big surely would be splayed everywhere in our underground conservative online news outlets. I went to the PLU website and clicked on “Famous Alumni.” At the top of the list was Mahmood Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, or better-known as Chairman of the terrorist organization the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). It was the second name on the list that rocked me to my core: Barry Soetoro, President of the United States. I swear on all things holy that it was there. I saw it and Victoria took a screenshot on her computer. I would have also but she was the computer expert and I was a novice and didn’t know how to do it at the time. Nevertheless, I felt con?dent it would be there when I went back. Of course it wasn’t. It was gone, replaced by Sri Lankan Marxist Rohanna Wijeweera. The list also included Carlos the Jackal and Anna Chapman. All good communists, and all I can do is swear that I saw it before it got scrubbed. I believe Brennan, through spying on our phone calls, was alerted to ?x the Moscow problem.

I hope by now Americans understand the lengths the intelligence community took to put Obama in o?ce for another four years in the form of Hillery Clinton to wreak havoc against our country and ensure that the truth of what was going on would never see the light of day. The core of their tyranny continues to be the fraud that is Barack Obama, and even after two and a half years of President Trump draining the swamp, the forged birth certificate and Selective Service application form o?ered up as Obama’s identification is still protected by the Deep State. Anyone bringing it up will be hastily dispatched.

Maricopa County, AZ Sheri? Joe Arpaio, after a 5+ year investigation, held a press conference on December 15, 2016 and showed video proof that the birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 was a manufactured ?le, a digital forgery. That same press conference exonerated me as an accused forger and instead proved that the birth certificate of my friend, Johanna Ah’Nee, was used as a source document for 9 data points used on Obama’s forgery. Furthermore, two forensic document experts on two separate continents also found the birth certificate to be a fraud.

Unfortunately, Victoria didn’t get to be with me at the press conference. Brennan’s nemesis, Victoria Windsor, died unexpectedly in 2012. She was rushed to the hospital after uncontrollably vomiting blood. She went into a coma and died. All her research, all her intellectual property, proof of theft and government corruption and the screenshot of Patrice Lumumba famous alumni, Barry Soetoro, gone.

As for me, Barry Soetoro”s nemesis, I’ve pretty-much been silenced for the past many years. But I did make national news again when I tried to give a packet of evidence and a?davit of forgery to my congressman at a town hall meeting. He refused to take it and even told me he didn’t “give a ****” about Obama’s birth certificate. The video of the exchange went viral and elicited tirades from, among others, Al Sharpton and Rachel Maddow. They got it wrong, though. They said it was all about Obama being born in Kenya. But it wasn’t. It was about a forged birth certificate. They only referred to me as a “birther princess” and never used my name and I know why. Word was put out years ago by The Huffington Post editorial staff to not give me publicity by using my real name. And you know media colludes.

Amazingly, some of the very people we identified as being part of the birth certificate hoax conspiracy have emerged as perpetrators of the Russia hoax. Let’s see:  we have Brennan; of course Obama; Clapper, and Perkins Coie. What are the chances of that? On the ID fraud we also have Bob Bauer, Savannah Guthrie, Chiyome Fukino, Alvin Onaka, Loretta Fuddy (now deceased under weird circumstances) and a whole lot more.

As the entire Obama/Brennan house of cards comes tumbling down, maybe now people will listen to me.



570 284 7477

Posted by mike admin

Our Forefathers Truly Appealed to Heaven

Thursday, April 30, 1789, by all accounts, was a beautiful clear and cool late spring day, and the people, like the weather, were full of cheer, radiant, and walked with a brisk determined hope for the future. The morning sun and slight breeze moved their zenith as the clocks ticked steadily toward that historical moment of 12 noon when all the church bells throughout the city, and beyond, would ring with celebrated loudness and clarity welcoming the first President of the United States.

George Washington always presented with an air of regal humbled Servant Leadership. His attire and stature screamed of someone people instantly respected. This morning was no different. Wearing a rich deep brown suit of clothes and white stockings George Washington could not have looked more appropriately dressed to become the nation’s first Chief Executive Officer. Only his nervousness and very slight hand tremor gave any indication ( as if people were watching such minutia ) of the magnitude of the moment. George Washington grasped the significance, while most citizens were too intoxicated with joy and speculation as to what would be the next chapter in our infant country’s steps.

With only minutes remaining prior to the toning of the 12 noon hour, the just sworn-in first Vice President, John Adams, rose and approached Mr. Washington to announce it was time. The small gathering of members of both the new Congress and Senate, along with a couple of other dignitaries walked the few steps from the inner room to the second floor balcony of the Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City for George Washington to swear an oath before God and his fellow American citizens to uphold,protect and preserve the new Constitution of the United States of America. The Honorable Robert Livingston patriot and Chancellor of the State of New York would be administering the Oath of Office since there was no Supreme Court as yet. Chancellor Livingston was the highest ranking judge in New York. And yes… it was New York City that served as our Nations first capitol. 

This exciting book is available here: click here


Lyle J. Rapacki,Ph.D.



Protective Intelligence and Assessment Specialist

Consultant at Behavioral Analysis and Threat Assessment

Private-Sector Intelligence Analyst

U.S. Border Intelligence Group

ASIS International

Association of Former Intelligence Officers

Association of Threat Assessment Professionals – ATAP-TX

International Association Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts


I fully endorse this book, great read!

Mike Volin

President WOBC Radio

Posted by mike, admin



Obama Usurpation of the Oval Office

Wheres Obama’s birth certificate .com would like to thank Sgt. Jeffrey Harrison USMC (ret) for constructing this billboard by hand. As many of you know Obama still has many unanswered questions surrounding his eligibility and credentials to hold the office of President of The United States.


Posted by Mike admin

570 284 7477


Why Is Obama Using a Connecticut Social Security Number ?

Obama never lived in Connecticut, never worked in Connecticut, his parents never resided in Connecticut so why a social security number associated with Connecticut?


September 14, 2012

A Possible Explanation for Obama’s Connecticut Social Security Number

By Jack Cashill

As I reported on Tuesday, Barack Obama has yet to provide an explanation for how he came to have a Social Security number that begins with the Connecticut prefix “042.”

Filmmaker Joel Gilbert read the piece.  He has been in Hawaii doing follow-up research on his insightful new documentary, Dreams from My Real Father, and he sent me the single best explanation I have yet to see.

What intrigued me about this story from the moment Ohio private investigator Susan Daniels first came across Obama’s Connecticut SSN was the ineptness of the left-wing explanations.

“Numbers are assigned based on the return address on the request envelope, not residency,” crowed Jason Linkins in the Huffington Post, as though he had said something meaningful.  Linkins suggested two possible explanations, both preposterous. 

One is that Obama applied for his SSN as a little boy in Indonesia for no known reason, and the application just happened to be processed in Connecticut for no known reason, too.

For the second, Linkins cited the argument of Carole Gilbert (no relation to Joel Gilbert) in the Yahoo-related “Associated Content.”  Said Carole Gilbert, presumably with a straight face, “In fact, Barack Obama’s dad attended college in Connecticut and in 1977, Obama was college aged; is it beyond reason to consider that he might have checked out his father’salma mater?”

Last time I checked, Harvard was in Massachusetts.  The closest town to Harvard in Connecticut is about 90 minutes away, and there is no record at all that Obama Sr. lived there, let alone that Obama visited his imaginary alma mater and just happened to apply for a Social Security card while visiting. 

On the respectable right, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly finessed this claim.  “[Obama’s] father lived in Connecticut for several years,” O’Reilly said inaccurately on air last April.  He added that “babies sometimes get numbers based on addresses provided by their parents.”  Wrong again.

The left-leaning fact-checking service Snopes.com addresses the SSN issue, but evasively.  It leads with a red herring about a man named Jean Paul Ludwig, whose SSN Obama is allegedly using.  “False,” says Snopes.  But Daniels has never mentioned a Ludwig or anyone else.

Snopes then repeats the irrelevant detail that Obama would only need to have sent his application in from Connecticut, but how or why the 16-year-old Obama could or would have done so is overlooked.

Snopes concludes that “the most likely explanation” is a “simple clerical or typographical error.”  Obama, they contend, lived in the Hawaii zip code of 96814, while the zip code for Danbury, CT is 06814.  As it happens, “clerical error” is the same excuse used to explain away Obama’s claim to a Kenyan birth in his literary agent’s 1991 promotional piece.

Joel Gilbert suggests a more likely explanation.  In doing his research in Hawaii, Gilbert heard from several sources that pre-statehood, every institution or branch of government in Hawaii was dominated by the Japanese syndicate known as the “Yakuza, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), and a complicit bureaucracy.  “After statehood in 1959 the Federal Government came in, and the syndicate went underground, but maintained the same control, and does so to this day,” says Gilbert.

“Hawaii was and is a corrupt state,” Gilbert continues.  He was told by retired Honolulu police detectives that in the state bureaucracy, “anything could be purchased, including Social Security numbers.”  These were real numbers, likely available because the original card holder was dead.  The sellers trafficked in SSNs that did not originate in Hawaii.  That way, if the person using the phony SSN were ever caught, the crime would be traced back to the issuing state, not the Hawaii office.

Gilbert’s theory is that the SSN problem is related to the question of Obama’s birth certificate, which is required to get a SSN.  Lacking a valid birth certificate, Obama was forced to buy an SSN so he could get his first job at the Baskin Robbins in 1977.  In this theory, Obama was sold an SSN that was Connecticut-based so it couldn’t be traced back to the Hawaii office.  

The easiest way to test this theory and establish the truth is to ask the people who know.  WND’s veteran White House correspondent Les Kinsolving tried to do just this at a press briefing a few years back.  Predictably, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs laughed Kinsolving off and switched the subject to the birth certificate.

In a televised address two years ago, Obama famously said, “The only people who don’t want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide.”  So could someone in the media please ask him about that “042”?  We can be sure they would be asking questions if Mitt Romney had a Hawaii-based SSN, and they would not be satisfying themselves with “clerical error.”

As I reported on Tuesday, Barack Obama has yet to provide an explanation for how he came to have a Social Security number that begins with the Connecticut prefix “042.”

Filmmaker Joel Gilbert read the piece.  He has been in Hawaii doing follow-up research on his insightful new documentary, Dreams from My Real Father, and he sent me the single best explanation I have yet to see.

What intrigued me about this story from the moment Ohio private investigator Susan Daniels first came across Obama’s Connecticut SSN was the ineptness of the left-wing explanations.

“Numbers are assigned based on the return address on the request envelope, not residency,” crowed Jason Linkins in the Huffington Post, as though he had said something meaningful.  Linkins suggested two possible explanations, both preposterous. 

One is that Obama applied for his SSN as a little boy in Indonesia for no known reason, and the application just happened to be processed in Connecticut for no known reason, too.

For the second, Linkins cited the argument of Carole Gilbert (no relation to Joel Gilbert) in the Yahoo-related “Associated Content.”  Said Carole Gilbert, presumably with a straight face, “In fact, Barack Obama’s dad attended college in Connecticut and in 1977, Obama was college aged; is it beyond reason to consider that he might have checked out his father’salma mater?”

Last time I checked, Harvard was in Massachusetts.  The closest town to Harvard in Connecticut is about 90 minutes away, and there is no record at all that Obama Sr. lived there, let alone that Obama visited his imaginary alma mater and just happened to apply for a Social Security card while visiting. 

On the respectable right, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly finessed this claim.  “[Obama’s] father lived in Connecticut for several years,” O’Reilly said inaccurately on air last April.  He added that “babies sometimes get numbers based on addresses provided by their parents.”  Wrong again.

The left-leaning fact-checking service Snopes.com addresses the SSN issue, but evasively.  It leads with a red herring about a man named Jean Paul Ludwig, whose SSN Obama is allegedly using.  “False,” says Snopes.  But Daniels has never mentioned a Ludwig or anyone else.

Snopes then repeats the irrelevant detail that Obama would only need to have sent his application in from Connecticut, but how or why the 16-year-old Obama could or would have done so is overlooked.

Snopes concludes that “the most likely explanation” is a “simple clerical or typographical error.”  Obama, they contend, lived in the Hawaii zip code of 96814, while the zip code for Danbury, CT is 06814.  As it happens, “clerical error” is the same excuse used to explain away Obama’s claim to a Kenyan birth in his literary agent’s 1991 promotional piece.

Joel Gilbert suggests a more likely explanation.  In doing his research in Hawaii, Gilbert heard from several sources that pre-statehood, every institution or branch of government in Hawaii was dominated by the Japanese syndicate known as the “Yakuza, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), and a complicit bureaucracy.  “After statehood in 1959 the Federal Government came in, and the syndicate went underground, but maintained the same control, and does so to this day,” says Gilbert.

“Hawaii was and is a corrupt state,” Gilbert continues.  He was told by retired Honolulu police detectives that in the state bureaucracy, “anything could be purchased, including Social Security numbers.”  These were real numbers, likely available because the original card holder was dead.  The sellers trafficked in SSNs that did not originate in Hawaii.  That way, if the person using the phony SSN were ever caught, the crime would be traced back to the issuing state, not the Hawaii office.

Gilbert’s theory is that the SSN problem is related to the question of Obama’s birth certificate, which is required to get a SSN.  Lacking a valid birth certificate, Obama was forced to buy an SSN so he could get his first job at the Baskin Robbins in 1977.  In this theory, Obama was sold an SSN that was Connecticut-based so it couldn’t be traced back to the Hawaii office.  

The easiest way to test this theory and establish the truth is to ask the people who know.  WND’s veteran White House correspondent Les Kinsolving tried to do just this at a press briefing a few years back.  Predictably, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs laughed Kinsolving off and switched the subject to the birth certificate.

In a televised address two years ago, Obama famously said, “The only people who don’t want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide.”  So could someone in the media please ask him about that “042”?  We can be sure they would be asking questions if Mitt Romney had a Hawaii-based SSN, and they would not be satisfying themselves with “clerical error.”

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2012/09/a_possible_explanation_for_obamas_connecticut_social_security_number.html#ixzz5e9XAuyYr
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Posted by mike admin

570 284 7477

Obama Admits Heavy Drinking, Drug Problems As An ‘Adolescent’ In Rare Video Footage

Obama on his adolescent years in a rare video of a 2001 interview: -“I was a thug,” a “mischievous child” -“I got into fights.” -“I drank and did–and consumed substances that weren’t always legal.” -“I might have drank a six-pack in an hour before going back to class”



In light of the recent attacks on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over his alleged drinking in high school and his having thrown ice at someone in a bar, a rare video clip of then-Illinois State Senator Barack Obama has surfaced that shows the 40-year-old admitting that while he was a “young boy” and an “adolescent” he drank “a six-pack in an hour” in between classes, got in fights, was a “thug,” and used illegal drugs.

The February 2001 biographical interview was made by The History Makers, who interviewed Obama about everything from his favorite color to describing his adolescent behavior to defining what he wanted his legacy to be.



While discussing his adolescent behavior, Obama said, “I was a thug for a big part of my growing up,” adding that he was “mischievous.”

“I didn’t take school that seriously,” Obama continued. “I got into fights. I drank and did —and consumed substances that weren’t always legal.”

Obama noted that some of his behavior “was self-destructive,” saying, “I might have drank a six-pack in an hour before going back to class, things like that.”

The clip validates other statements made by Obama, who has admitted to using cocaine and marijuana during his high school years.


Posted By Mike admin



U.S. Senate Checks Out Article on Kamala Harris’s Presidential Eligibility

by Sharon Rondeau

(Sep. 7, 2018) — At approximately 9:30 AM EDT Friday morning, someone utilizing a “U.S. Senate” ISP accessed The Post & Email’s recent article investigating the issue of whether or not Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) is a “natural born Citizen” eligible to serve as president.

The article was based on research conducted by California resident Gary Wilmott, who contacted Harris’s office by phone and in writing beginning late last year.

This week, Harris demonstrated her opposition toward, if not open suspicion of, U.S. Supreme Court nominee and current federal appellate Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh amid much media attention. Although elected to the Senate for the first time in 2016, a campaign website for Harris remains active and has as its first page a petition opposing his nomination.

As evidenced by a Yahoo! search by this writer early Friday afternoon, Harris’s questioning of Kavanaugh has captured the attention of many.

Harris has recently been touted as a possible presidential candidate “more qualified to be president than Donald Trump.”

Last December Wilmott contacted Harris’s office in writing to inform her that based on his research, she does not qualify for the presidency. “Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 mandates that a president be a NATURAL-born citizen, which you clearly are not,” Wilmott wrote. “At the time of your birth, BOTH of your parents were citizens of foreign countries, so your birth in California makes you at best a NATIVE-born citizen (anchor baby?) under the prevailing view of the 14th Amendment. Lest you think that I have Republican bias I would also point out that presidential wannabes Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio also fail to meet this higher standard of citizenship. Their campaigns were fraudulent and in clear violation of the U.S. Constitution.”

Wilmott later followed up by telephone in an attempt to discover if Harris’s parents were U.S. citizens at the time of her birth on October 20, 1964 in Oakland, CA. His questions were never answered, with the staffer with whom he spoke stating that the citizenship of Harris’s parents is “private” information.

Harris’s mother, who immigrated to the United States at the age of 19 in 1960, passed away in 2009, according to an obituary in the mainstream paper SFGate. Her father, originally from Jamaica, arrived in California a year later and became an Economics professor at Stanford University, retiring in 1998. His biography states that he naturalized but not specifically when it occurred.

Entry in statistics log, September 7, 2018, showing reader logging on with “US Senate” internet connection. The Post & Email has redacted the workstation’s IP number.
According to federal law, immigrants who arrive in the country legally and apply to become citizens must have resided in the country for five years. Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution designates Congress as the body “To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization” for newcomers permitted to enter the country.

Article II, detailing the role of the nation’s chief executive, contains specific eligibility criteria not expressed in other articles of the Constitution. The criteria, as written by the Framers, are:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

The more stringent qualification of “natural born Citizen,” as opposed to simply “Citizen” for U.S. senators and representatives, is believed to have been the Founders’ attempt to prevent anyone with foreign allegiance from leading the newly-minted nation and its military.

Statements recorded in The Congressional Globe and the 1875 U.S. Supreme Court case of Minor v. Happersett, at a minimum, indicate that the term “natural born Citizen” signified an individual born in the United States to parents who were U.S. citizens. Over the years, that meaning, in many circles, has been diluted to mean simply “born in the United States,” or, in some cases, something else entirely.

In 2015, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz declared his candidacy for the presidency amid considerable public controversy as his campaign went forward. Cruz was born in Canada to a mother presumed to have retained her U.S. citizenship at the time and a father originally from Cuba who eventually took Canadian citizenship.

Cruiz’s campaign refused to answer The Post & Email’s questions about his eligibility.

In May 2016, just after Cruz conceded the Republican primaries to then-candidate Donald Trump, The Post & Email was told by a highly reliable source that he had confirmed that Cruz’s mother took Canadian citizenship while the couple resided in Calgary between 1968 and 1974.

While many legal scholars argued that Cruz was eligible to the presidency, there appeared to be an equal number arguing against his eligibility quite publicly. The same public discussion did not take place concerning Barack Hussein Obama.

In 2007 and 2008, Obama’s eligibility was questioned by many Americans on several points. For years, credible sources such as NPR and the Associated Press had reported him as having been “born in Kenya,” while a 2006 article in The Honolulu Advertiser stated his birth as having occurred in Indonesia. Some sources later changed their articles to say that he was “born in Hawaii,” but no hospital there has confirmed his birth. Various mainstream articles and books differ as to exactly when Obama lived in Indonesia, a fact to which Obama has readily admitted.

Numerous outlets reported that at the time Obama allegedly lived in Indonesia, a child had to be a citizen of that country in order to attend school.

In May 2012, Breitbart News published a 1991 promotional booklet written by Obama’s then-literary agent, Acton & Dystel, containing his biography in anticipation of the publication of his first book. The bio indicates Obama as having been “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” After Breitbart published the booklet, Miriam Goderich of Dystel & Goderich explained that Obama’s stated birthplace in the booklet was “nothing more than a fact checking error by me.”

Also at issue for those questioning Obama’s eligibility was his claim of a father born in Kenya, then a British protectorate, who came to the United States to study and never became a U.S. citizen.

Throughout Obama’s campaigns and two-term presidency, the mainstream media refused to investigate whether or not he was, in fact, constitutionally eligible to hold the office. Anyone questioning his background, citizenship or allegiance was irrationally labeled a “birther” or “a racist.”

On Obama’s 2008 “Fight the Smears” website, he openly admitted to having been born a dual citizen of Kenya and the United States, raising yet another question as to whether or not he qualified as a “natural born Citizen” of the U.S.

An investigation launched in August 2011 and concluded in December 2016 deemed the “long-form” birth certificate image posted by the Obama White House in April 2011 appearing to show his birth in Honolulu a “computer-generated forgery.” Also found to be fraudulent by the same investigators was his Selective Service registration form. Inexplicably, government agencies, including the FBI, refused to take any action.

An article published Wednesday in The Atlantic argues that a Supreme Court candidate who “can’t be vetted shouldn’t be confirmed.” However, when a candidate runs for president, the same thorough vetting often does not take place on the part of the political parties or the voters.

Harris’s Wikipedia page states that she spent her formative years in Montreal, Canada, where her mother worked as a cancer researcher in association with McGill University, which is borne out in Dr. Harris’s obituary. However, Kamala Harris’s Senate biography arguably implies that she was raised in Oakland and not Canada. Whether or not her mother became a Canadian citizen while living in Canada with her young daughters for 16 years remains an open question, and, by extension, whether or not Harris herself was ever considered “Canadian” in order to attend school there.



Posted by: Mike admin
