by Sharon Rondeau

(Nov. 22, 2022) — On Sunday and Monday, for those following him on Twitter, Barack Obama’s purported older half-brother Malik caused quite a stir.
On Sunday at one point, he tweeted a graphic of the cover of a book he published in 2020 titled, “Big Bad Brother from Kenya.”
On the same day, however, he suggested he and Barack are not brothers.

The tweet gained the attention of founder Mike Volin, who pointed it out to CDR Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. In a responsive blog post, Kerchner featured not only the tweet, but also his related research into the requirements of Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution, the “natural born Citizen” clause.
According to Wikipedia, Malik, also known as “Roy,” “is a Kenyan-American businessman and politician known for being the older half-brother of 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama, and the eldest son of economist Barack Obama Sr.” Malik’s mother, Kezia, married the elder Obama in Kenya in 1954.
The same source reports that Malik became a U.S. citizen but retains Kenyan citizenship, traveling frequently between the two nations and operating the non-profit he founded in memory of his father, the Barack H. Obama Foundation.
Included in Kerchner’s post was the fact that Obama’s purported identification documents released by the U.S. government have been deemed forgeries by a five-year criminal investigation authorized by then-Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joseph Arpaio.
In 2013-14, Volin and a number of supporters delivered “Sheriff’s Kits” Volin produced to every member of Congress explaining the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) Cold Case Posse’s findings of fraud and forgery in Obama’s proffered documentation. In a July 17, 2012 press conference on the subject, Arpaio opined the alleged forgeries constitute a matter of “national security.”
Some believe, based on mainstream-media reporting prior to his presidential run, that Barack Obama was born in Kenya or Indonesia and not the United States, a claim reported in December 2007 by then-MSNBC “Hardball” host Chris Matthews.
While Arpaio’s probe did not focus on Obama’s birthplace per se, Arpaio’s lead investigator, former detective Mike Zullo, strongly suggested, quoting two federal-government “agents,” that it is well-known in the nation’s capital that Obama was not born in the United States.
Kerchner and others, including the late constitutional attorney Mario Apuzzo, concluded Obama was ineligible to the presidency based simply on his claim of a foreign-born father who never became a U.S. citizen. A separate disqualifying factor, they say, is the possibility that, if accurate, Obama was born outside the United States.
In May 2015, Volin hosted Joel Gilbert, author of the film, “Dreams from My Real Father,” on his “WOBC” radio show. The film hypothesized that communist activist Frank Marshall Davis was Barack Obama’s biological father. Gilbert had interviewed Malik Obama for the film, and after hosting Gilbert, Volin had a Skype conversation with Malik about appearing on the show, he reminded The Post & Email on Tuesday. Malik appeared willing but said he required $10,000 in compensation to do so, Volin and an assistant demonstrated through emails exchanged at the time.
When Volin’s publicist explained to Malik there was no budget to pay guests to appear on the show, he responded, “sorry best of luck.”
Volin’s BlogTalk Radio shows appear to have been archived offline.
Tweeting in yet stronger terms on Sunday, Malik called his alleged half-brother “a traitor.”

According to a tweet on Monday, Malik sees 45th President Donald J. Trump as “fearless.”

In another tweet about Trump, Malik thanked newly-minted Twitter CEO Elon Musk for restoring Trump’s account, shuttered since January 8, 2021 by Twitter management, who viewed Trump as an instigator of the January 6 “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol.
Malik was critical of his alleged half-brother for what Malik sees as a lack of initiative to bestow benefits on Kenya.

Further, he wrote, “Kenyans worship and ogle over Barack Obama (even though he’s done zilch for them) and they get really ticked off when I say something real about him.”

Again raising doubt about Barack’s paternity, Malik claimed Barack “won’t even support his father’s (?) foundation.”

Malik appears to have been silent on Twitter on Tuesday.