3 thoughts on “Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups and Mike Zullo Birther Update 09/15/16

  1. Hi Mike, I posted this at http://www.birtherreport.com but I can only rarely get the website to work.. Mostly I get a, "temporarily not available", message. This is close to what I posted there:

    It seems to me many Obama protectors are dropping their, “born in Hawaii”, claims in favor of, “born in the U.S.A..

    “Birther” Donald Trump’s last statement a few days ago said Obama was “born in the U.S., period.”, but he said nothing about Hawaii. I wonder if any of the reporters ask Trump to say, “born in Hawaii”? If not that could mean they have been told not to ask that question.

    I also remember Arpaio’s lead investigator, Mike Zullo, saying about his findings some months ago that, “birthers will be disappointed”. I assume he meant birthers as being someone who believes, because of the evidence, that Obama was born in Kenya.

    Zullo had also previously said there is no reliable evidence of Obama being in Hawaii before he was 5 years old. Taking that into account, I think there is a possibility Barry’s protectors are trying to get ahead of information proving Obama was not born in Hawaii, but perhaps somewhere else in the U.S.A.. This may come in a not yet released hacked email, or perhaps from Zullo, hopefully soon. It just seems odd to me that, “born in Hawaii”, has dropped out of favor to, “born in the U.S.A., even by those whose job is to protect the imposter. Born in the U.S.A., if it is anywhere but the claimed hospital in Hawaii, does not help Obama and company, but would just reinforce evidence of felony document fraud and repeated lying to cover the biggest hoax in American history and probably world history.

    Getting Trump elected is what matters now, we must do all we can to help make that happen.

    For those still going with Obama, “Born in Kenya”, here are a few of the reasons why:

  2. I don't blame Trump for disengaging from the "birther" issue. He has bigger fish to fry right now, it was a no-win issue for him, and he can deal with it more effectively if he wins.

    PS: Great post, Bob!

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