
What in the world is a “birther”? When I first heard the word, I had no clue either. It simply implies that a person does not believe that Barack Obama has a legitimate birth certificate, disabling his ability to serve as president. Instead of telling the American people the truth, supporters of President Obama urge us to focus more on the economy, taxes, energy, etc… I understand that a birth certificate is a speck on the sun compared to all the issues going on in America and around the world. However, with that being said, it IS important because the birth certificate could be a stepping stone to bigger things that Barack will try to get away with. I hate to play a broken record, but c’mon, just be honest. On a side note, check out the radio show hosted by Michael! It was aired on WWCR but can be seen on Youtube. Just click on the links! Thanks. –Josh Weitzel

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