Wear Red When You Vote For Trump To Counter Voter Fraud


Wear Red When You Vote For Trump To Fight Election Fraud.


Due to the promise of unprecedented election fraud in the 2016 general election and the short time frame in which to counter those measures, concerned patriots have launched OPERATION RED 2016.

The mission is simple. It’s something that every red-blooded American can and MUST do. Here’s all there is to it:

  1. If you are voting TRUMP/PENCE in the 2016 Presidential election, wear an ALL RED (Republican Revolution RED) shirt, jacket, or dress to the polls on November 8.
  2. Use your cell phone to take pictures or video of the sea of RED in your voting district — inside and outside the polling place.
  3. Share those images on ALL social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Pinterest, Snapchat, and with all your email friends.
  4. Help make OPERATION RED 2016 go viral! – Post operationred2016.com EVERYWHERE!

IMPORTANT:  Do NOT wear red clothing or accessories bearing any campaign graphics, or you could be denied access to the polling area.


  1. The sea of red will assure that no media outlet can deny the visible support for the Trump/Pence ticket.
  2. We will have PROOF via your photos and videos that Hillary Clinton could NOT have won these ALL RED districts!
  3. Media outlets, poll workers, watchers, campaign staffers and voters on the ground will have no choice but to acknowledge the VISIBLE truth in a sea of RED!

NOTE: We do not know who originated this utterly simple but immensely powerful idea. Whoever you are, your fellow patriots thank you!

Mike Volin
WOBC Radio

6 thoughts on “Wear Red When You Vote For Trump To Counter Voter Fraud

  1. Attn. Mike Volin:

    Donald Trump supporters . . .

    Let’s make our presence known without a doubt on November 8th. I think all Donald Trump supporters should pledge to wear any plain red shirt all day long on election day and make our presence known. Let the news media try to avoid a sea of red moving across the whole United States of America! They may be able to rig the election, but they can’t strip countless millions of people of their shirts! There’s no way they can deny our collective voices if we make ourselves physically visual! As for me, I’ll be dressed in red from head to toe! And remember – no political messages on your shirts or they may not let you vote! —–Please share this everywhere—— Let’s make Hillary see RED from coast to coast on election day!

    Mike Volin – This is the original Red Pledge, as created in my notepad and then posted on Donald Trump and Sean Hannity’s Facebook page over two months ago. Since that time it has been shared countless thousands and thousands of times. It is already going viral. A quick Google/Facebook search will take you all over to find it

    posted everywhere.

    I am the author of that post and while I appreciate your support for Donald Trump in creating Operation Red 2016, by beiing one of the thousands of people who have rewritten The Red Pledge in wonderfully creative ways over the last two months, I ask that you remove the copywrite notice from this. A copywrite notice is not in the spirit of spreading this vitally important message. Anybody and everybody has my explicit permission to copy and/or edit The Red Pledge in any way without permission from me.


    Bobbie Coker

  2. I am going to get my red shirt tomorrow and wear it everyday for the next 24 days. This is so easy to do and will destroy the NWO and their clueless minions

  3. I already voted for Trump via mail-in ballot. That's the only way we can vote in this state (WA).

    I was thinking of getting on a plane, flying to Chicago, and killing myself so I could vote for Trump again, but my wife is pregnant and she'd be pissed.

    All that being said, I don't think Trump has much of a chance simply because of the mathematics of the electoral system. I HOPE he wins, and I think he could win, but I am prepared for Bill Clinton's wife to be our next president. And I am similarly prepared to have the truly weird Tim Kaine succeed her when she DROPS DEAD 6 months after taking office.

    That's what the Bible calls a "sh|t sandwich".

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